Our Story

Welcome to RAYMAR! A Kenyan online fashion brand, specialising in creating elegant pieces for strong feminine women.
My name is Rahab but i go by Ray. RAYMAR is a mix of my name (Ray) and my mums name (Mary).
Back in 2014 my mum was diagnosed with diabetes, which impacted her work and life in general. As a single mum she worked 2-3 to jobs a day to provide for me and my siblings despite her illness.


My mum made me feel like the most important person in the whole world. She is my definition of a strong woman. And always wanted a reminder of that feeling everywhere i went.

I hope this is translated to every piece and you are reminded of your strong person or memory they have given you or maybe it's even a reminder to and from yourself.

At RAYMAR we are big believers that strength has a different meaning to every woman and that's why we maintain an unwavering commitment to empowering women with fashion and style.

Our pieces are made for you to feel encouraged, loved, empowered, supported, unstoppable, fearless and comforted. It's a piece for every journey.

Let's push the boundaries of strength together through fashion with uniqueness and inclusivity! 

Thank you for allowing RAYMAR to be part of your unique journey.